Lessons from the Kings # 5 - Jokes Aside – Let’s Be Sensitive

Devotion # 5

Jokes Aside – Let’s Be Sensitive

For the Audio Version, click here - Jokes Aside - Let's Be Sensitive

“Then he (Elisha) went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up the road, some youths came from the city and mocked him…” 2 Kings 2:23

Joking and humour are good things, if used well and within limits. Laughter is God’s gift to us, but the flip side of this is, sometimes humour can be at someone else’s expense. When our jokes target people (especially their appearance or abilities) it very often causes deep, emotional hurts in people.

We live in a hurting world. If we look around us, there are so many who are already struggling with their own difficulties and personal challenges. What they need is our love and acceptance. Each of us (irrespective of how we look or what our challenges maybe), are made in the image and likeness of God. We need to teach our children and youth that jokes should never be on other people and that humour should always be accompanied with love.

One is not sure why those 42 young men who mocked Elisha faced such a consequence, but it is evident that the prophet was hurt deeply and God was not pleased either.

Let’s joke and laugh, but let our laughter bring joy - not hurt to someone else.

“Treat others as you want them to treat you. This is what the Law and Prophets are all about.” Matthew 7: 12 (CEV)

                    For the Audio Version, click here - Jokes Aside - Let's Be Sensitive

                        If you were blessed by this devotion, please share it with others

Esther Collins

Email: thelifetransformingword@gmail.com


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