Lessons from the Kings # 13 - Let’s Share the Good News

Devotion # 13

Let’s Share the Good News

For the Audio Version click here - Let's Share The Good News

Then they (4 men with leprosy) said to one another. “We are not doing right. This day is a day of good news, and we remain silent. If we wait until morning light, some punishment will come upon us. Now therefore, come, let us go and tell the king’s household.” 2 Kings 7: 9

(Read 2 Kings 7 for the entire narrative)

A brief summary of this incident: Israel is in severe famine and Elisha prophesies that the Lord would provide for His people in a miraculous way. The next day at twilight, the Lord causes the Syrians to hear the thunderous noise of horses and chariots, and they flee, leaving behind all their belongings. Four men with leprosy from Israel who are starving to death, are the first ones to notice that the Syrian camp has been abandoned. Initially they eat and drink to their full and carry off the silver, gold and clothes. But suddenly they are struck in their conscience. That’s when they say the words in the verse mentioned above. They suddenly realized that they had no right to withhold the good news of God’s intervention and provision from the people of Israel. 

We live in times where Social Media is used to advertise almost everything. Some of it is genuine and some of it fake but still the messages do their rounds. We are liberal to pass on all the messages (good or bad) but how often do we think of sharing the good news we have received from God with others - the news that Jesus is the Saviour and that He came to save this world from their sins; give them an abundant life here and eternal life in heaven? A news that will transform people both for now and for eternity.

When was the last time we shared this good news with somebody. Like the men with leprosy, all of us were hopeless and helpless. Only the Lord by His grace and mercy saved us. Like them, we too must realize that we have no right to hold back this good news to those around us.

Then he (Jesus) said, “Go into the world. Go everywhere and announce the Message of God’s good news to one and all…” Mark.16:15 (MSG)

For the Audio Version click here - Let's Share The Good News

If you were blessed by this message please share it with others

Esther Collins
Email: thelifetransformingword@gmail.com


  1. There's no better time to share the good news than today. In the history of our world we've never been so close to the Lord's return. Thanks for this devotion babe.

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