
Showing posts from 2018

Lessons from the Kings # 14 - Let’s Make Our Lives Count

Devotion # 14 Let’s Make Our Lives Count For the Audio Version click:  Let's Make Our Lives Count “Thus says the Lord, the God of David your father: I have heard your prayers, I have seen your tears; surely I will heal you. On the third day you shall go up to the house of the Lord. And I will add to your days fifteen years…” (2 Kings 20:5,6) Read 2 Kings 20: 1-11 for the entire account. King Hezekiah was terminally ill and the word of the Lord came to him through Isaiah the prophet saying, “Thus says the Lord: Set your house in order, for you shall die and not live.”   Hezekiah is heartbroken at the news.   He is one of the few kings of Israel who walked faithfully with the Lord.   He recounts this and weeps bitterly to the Lord.   The Lord relents and sends the good news through Isaiah as recorded in the verse mentioned above, and gives him an extension of 15 years. All of us can recall the numerous times the Lord has mercifully healed, protected and ke

Lessons from the Kings # 13 - Let’s Share the Good News

Devotion # 13 Let’s Share the Good News For the Audio Version click here -  Let's Share The Good News Then they (4 men with leprosy) said to one another. “We are not doing right. This day is a day of good news, and we remain silent. If we wait until morning light, some punishment will come upon us. Now therefore, come, let us go and tell the king’s household.” 2 Kings 7: 9 (Read 2 Kings 7 for the entire narrative) A brief summary of this incident: Israel is in severe famine and Elisha prophesies that the Lord would provide for His people in a miraculous way. The next day at twilight, the Lord causes the Syrians to hear the thunderous noise of horses and chariots, and they flee, leaving behind all their belongings. Four men with leprosy from Israel who are starving to death, are the first ones to notice that the Syrian camp has been abandoned. Initially they eat and drink to their full and carry off the silver, gold and clothes. But suddenly they are st

Lessons from the Kings # 12 - When God Is On Our Side

Devotion # 12 When God is On Our Side The Audio Version click here -  When God is On Our Side “So he (Elisha) answered, ‘Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.’ And Elisha prayed, and said, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.”   2 Kings 6: 16, 17 The King of Syria decided that the one he wanted to capture was Elisha and so he sent his horses, chariots and a great army and surrounded the city where Elisha was. When Elisha’s servant woke up the next morning and looked outside he was in total shock – the entire city was surrounded. When all he could see was the Syrian army, Elisha saw the Lord’s army. He asked the Lord to open the eyes of the young servant and behold he saw the mountain full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. The incredible army of the Lord was standing guard for Elisha. (Read about the amazing deliverance in 2 Kings 6: 13 – 23) . How often have we found ourselves in situations that a

Lessons from the Kings # 11 - Nothing is Hidden from God

Devotion # 11 Nothing is Hidden from God For the Audio Version, click here -  Nothing is Hidden From God (Read 2 Kings 6: 8- 12) “None of us, my lord the king,” said one of his officers, “but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the very words you speak in your bedroom.” 2 Kings 6:12 The King of Syria was in a big dilemma. Every secret plan he made with his officers against the King of Israel was divulged to him. He therefore speculated that there was a traitor in his team. That’s when one of the officers told the King of Syria about Elisha. God was revealing to Elisha all the plans of the King of Syria and he in turn was forewarning the King of Israel. Isn’t it an incredible thought that the Lord knows everything about every one of us? Psalm 139 says the Lord actually perceives our thoughts, words and all our ways. In a positive sense it fills us with a sense of security that the eyes of the Lord are watching us, He cares for us a

Lessons from the Kings # 10 - When Greed Overtakes Need

Devotion # 10 When Greed Overtakes Need For the Audio Version, click here -  When Greed Overtakes Need Gehazi, the servant of Elisha the man of God, said to himself, “My master was too easy on Naaman, this Aramean, by not accepting from him what he brought. As surely as the Lord lives, I will run after him and get something from him.” 2 Kings 5:20 Gehazi, the servant of Elisha was suddenly blinded by greed when he saw the attractive gifts that Naaman offered Elisha. As a servant of the Prophet Elisha, he must have been well-taken care of and provided for. He had also just witnessed the miraculous provision to the widow and her 2 sons through the prophet. The Lord used a small jar of oil in her hands and made her debt free. 2 Kings 4: 1-7 We live in a world where materialism and consumerism have taken such a toll, that if we don’t watch out, we will all get caught in this whirlwind. To meet this overwhelming desire for things and money, many have plunged themselves n

Lessons from the Kings # 9 - It’s Absolutely Free

Devotion # 9 It’s Absolutely Free For the Audio Version, click here -  It's Absolutely Free Read 2 Kings 5:14-27 “But he (Elisha) said, ‘As the Lord lives, before whom I stand, I will receive nothing.’ And he (Naaman) urged him to take it, but he refused.” 2 Kings 5:16 But Gehazi, the servant of Elisha, the man of God, said, “…. as the Lord lives, I will run after him (Naaman) and take something from him.” 2 Kings 5:20 A complete contrast between the man of God (Elisha) and his servant (Gehazi).  The Lord performed the miracle through Elisha, and yet the man of God wanted nothing in return from Naaman, but his servant Gehazi did the exact opposite.  The outcome was serious – Gehazi forfeited the favour of a man of God and instead contracted the leprosy of Naaman (2 Kings 5:27). Just think of all those things in our life that are priceless – Salvation, Grace, Love, Joy, Peace, Forgiveness, Hope, Health, Healing and Eternal life – all of which are g

Lessons from the Kings # 8 - Simply Believe

Devotion # 8 Simply Believe For the Audio Version click here -  Simply Believe “Naaman’s servants went to him and said, ‘My father, if the prophet had told you to do some great thing, would you not have done it? How much more, then, when he tells you, ‘Wash and be cleansed’!’” 2 Kings 5:13 Have you ever wondered why we often find it easier to do the complicated rather than believe the simple? Let me explain - Jesus offers the world Salvation which is totally free - free for us, though He paid for it with His precious sinless life. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news that anyone who believes in His finished work on the cross (His death, burial and resurrection on our behalf) and repents, will be cleansed of all their sins, be freed from the bondage to sin and receive the abundant life that Jesus offers – one that goes on into eternity. Yet sadly, most people are unwilling to accept this great gift because the means to receive it seems too simple. Naaman was wa

Lessons from the Kings # 7 - Whom Can I Bless Today?

Devotion # 7 Whom Can I Bless Today? For the Audio Version, click here -  Whom Can I Bless Today? She (a young captive girl) said to her mistress, “If only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy.” 2 Kings 5:3 The story of Naaman, the Syrian commander who was healed of leprosy is a familiar one to most of us.  However, I would like to focus on a young girl who was instrumental in Naaman’s healing and restoration. She was an Israelite, captured by the Syrians and brought into captivity to be a slave, working as a maid for Naaman’s wife. It was definitely not the best of situations for this young girl; but her concern for her Master and her willingness to introduce Naaman to Elisha is totally commendable. Her little introduction was such a blessing, that it brought about a miraculous healing for Naaman from his leprosy and made him a worshipper of God. 2 Kings 5:17 Each one of us is called and chosen by the Lord to be a bl

Lessons from the Kings # 6 - God’s Mysterious Ways

Devotion # 6 God’s Mysterious Ways For the Audio Version, click here -  God's Mysterious Ways And he (Elisha) said. “Thus says the Lord: ‘Make this valley full of ditches.’ For thus says the Lord: ‘You shall not see wind, nor shall you see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, so that you, your cattle and your animals may drink. And this is a simple matter in the sight of the Lord; ….’”  2Kings 3: 16 –18 (Read 2 Kings 3 to capture the whole incident) For a little background to this verse, three kings of Israel, Judah and Edom are going to war against the King of Moab. These 3 armies, with all the animals take a roundabout route in the wilderness for 7 days, and are faced with a crisis – they have no water. In desperation they turn to Elisha, and the Lord intervenes with this unexplainable solution - not only did water rush in the next day and fill the land; it was also instrumental in bringing victory to God’s people. When faced with any problem or

Lessons from the Kings # 5 - Jokes Aside – Let’s Be Sensitive

Devotion # 5 Jokes Aside – Let’s Be Sensitive For the Audio Version, click here -  Jokes Aside - Let's Be Sensitive “Then he (Elisha) went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up the road, some youths came from the city and mocked him…” 2 Kings 2:23 Joking and humour are good things, if used well and within limits. Laughter is God’s gift to us, but the flip side of this is, sometimes humour can be at someone else’s expense. When our jokes target people (especially their appearance or abilities) it very often causes deep, emotional hurts in people. We live in a hurting world. If we look around us, there are so many who are already struggling with their own difficulties and personal challenges. What they need is our love and acceptance. Each of us (irrespective of how we look or what our challenges maybe), are made in the image and likeness of God. We need to teach our children and youth that jokes should never be on other people and that humour should always

Lessons from the Kings # 4 - Be That Voice

Devotion # 4 Be That Voice For the Audio Version, click here -  Be That Voice And Micaiah said. “As the Lord lives, whatever the Lord says to me, that I will speak.”  1Kings 22:14 A little background to this verse - King Ahab and King Jehoshaphat are in alliance to fight against the King of Syria.   King Ahab seeks the counsel of 400 prophets, who speak favourably, and encourage the Kings to go to war.   There is one Prophet of God, Micaiah - the only true prophet, who prophesies otherwise and predicts destruction for King Ahab.   Guess who Ahab and Jehoshaphat listened to – the majority, and the end, as predicted, was death and destruction. We live in a time where it’s becoming more and more difficult to hear and obey the voice of the Lord.   The voices in the world are so loud, and very often, in total contradiction to God, and His word. It’s so much easier to compromise and blend in with the crowd, than to take a stand, and be that lone voice. There’s an old s

Lessons from the Kings # 3 - We Are All Influencers

Devotion # 3 We Are All Influencers For the Audio Version click here -  We Are All Influencers “But there was no one like Ahab who sold himself to do wickedness in the sight of the Lord, because Jezebel his wife stirred him up. 1 Kings 21:25 If we were to pause and think about it, we would realise that we are influencing someone all the time - our spouse, our children, a friend, a colleague and the list goes on. We influence people by our thoughts, words, actions (behaviour), attitudes, values, priorities, and the roles or positions we have. Most importantly, the kind of relationship we have with God will definitely influence us personally, and most certainly those around us. Also, the closer we are to someone, the greater the influence we exert on them. Jezebel is an example of the kind of influence one should never have on anyone. Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth.” Wherever we are, we should seek to influence others in godly ways. Jesus was the p

Lessons from the Kings # 2 - Is It Okay To Feel Down Sometimes?

Devotion # 2 Is It Okay To Feel Down Sometimes? For the Audio-Visual Version on YouTube , click here -  Is it OK to Feel Down Sometimes? For the Audio Version on SoundCloud , click here -  Is it OK to Feel Down Sometimes? But he, (Elijah) went a day’s journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a broom tree. And he prayed that he might die, and said, “It is enough! Now, Lord, take my life, for I am no better than my fathers!” - 1 Kings 19:4 Surprised that a man of God who is considered one of the greatest prophets in the Bible could actually be feeling lonely, discouraged, depressed, and despair even of living - that too after a great mountain-top experience at Carmel? Many of us may have passed through such a season or maybe, some of us are even going through one such phase. We may have walked in obedience to the Lord, given all we can, and now we are at the end of the rope. Read 1 Kings 19 to see how the Lord encourages the man of God with loving care and

Lessons from the Kings # 1 - What Does God Think of Me?

I Kings 15:5 For the Audio-Visual Version of this devotion on YouTube, click here -  What Does God Think of Me? For the Audio Version of this Devotion on SoundCloud, click here:  What Does God Think of Me The Lord's testimony about David in just one verse. “David did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and had not turned aside from anything He commanded all the days of his life, except in the matter of Uriah the Hittite.” 1 Kings 15: 5 No one is perfect. We all make mistakes, commit sin and mess up sometimes, but the question is, ‘Are we, in our everyday lives seeking to do what is right in the eyes of the Lord, walking in obedience to Him and desiring to follow His Word no matter how hard it is?’ If the Lord were to give a testimony about me, I wonder what it would be? For the Audio Version of this devotion, click here - What Does God Think of Me? If you've been blessed by this devotion, please share it with others Esther Collins Email: thelifetrans