Jewels from John # 6 - Hand it Over into His Hands

Devotion # 6

Hand it Over into His Hands

For the Audio Version click here: Hand it Over Into His Hands

Jesus said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread that these may eat? But this He said to test him, for He himself knew what He would do.” John 6: 5-6 (NKJV)

Jesus often created situations for his disciples, both to stretch their faith in Him and also that they could truly understand who He really was. When the huge multitude of hungry people needed food, Jesus discussed with Philip, to see if he could find a solution. Like most of us who get logical when it comes to finances, Philip too made a mental calculation and then informed Jesus that even if they had two hundred denarii worth of bread with them they could never satisfy the hunger of that huge crowd.

Andrew, on the other hand saw a small boy with his little lunch of five barley loaves and 2 fish and started to wonder, what this would do when given into the hands of Jesus. The outcome was mind-blowing.  Jesus took that small lunch, gave thanks and then it transformed into a mighty miracle.  Not only were more than 5000 people fully fed and satisfied, they were even able to collect 12 baskets full of leftovers.

I wonder which of these two disciples we can most relate ourselves with. The important point for us to remember is that no matter what situation we face, the Lord already knows and He does have a solution for us. However, He is waiting to see if we are willing to turn in our little into His almighty hands and trust Him to take over.  When we surrender those little things into the Lord's hands, everything takes a turn for the better – our sickness turns to health, our trials to triumphs, our needs to plenty, our failures to victories, our sorrows to joy, our weakness to strength, our worries to calmness and our limitations to liberations.

Here’s a word of reassurance from Paul in Philippians 4:6-7, “Never worry about anything. But in every situation let God know what you need in prayers and requests while giving thanks. Then God’s peace, which goes beyond anything we can imagine, will guard your thoughts and emotions through Christ Jesus.”(GW)

                     For the Audio Version click here: Hand it Over Into His Hands

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Esther Collins


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