
Showing posts from January, 2019

Jewels from John # 6 - Hand it Over into His Hands

Devotion # 6 Hand it Over into His Hands For the Audio Version click here:   Hand it Over Into His Hands Jesus said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread that these may eat? But this He said to test him, for He himself knew what He would do.” John 6: 5-6 ( NKJV) Jesus often created situations for his disciples, both to stretch their faith in Him and also that they could truly understand who He really was. When the huge multitude of hungry people needed food, Jesus discussed with Philip, to see if he could find a solution. Like most of us who get logical when it comes to finances, Philip too made a mental calculation and then informed Jesus that even if they had two hundred denarii worth of bread with them they could never satisfy the hunger of that huge crowd. Andrew, on the other hand saw a small boy with his little lunch of five barley loaves and 2 fish and started to wonder, what this would do when given into the hands of Jesus. The outcome was mind-blowing.  

Jewels from John # 5 - When We Have No One

Devotion # 5 When We Have No One For the Audio Version Click Here:  When We Have No One "The sick man answered, 'Sir, I don't have anyone here to put me in the pool when the water is stirred up; while I am trying to get in, somebody else gets there first.'" John 5:7 (NKJV) The pool near the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem, called Bethesda was a unique place. An angel went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred the water and whoever stepped in first was healed of whatever infirmity they had. The Bible records that a very large multitude of sick and disabled people were all awaiting their turn. It was here that Jesus met this man who was bed-ridden with an infirmity for 38 long years. Jesus knew everything about the man and his predicament, and asked him a very important question, “Do you want to get well?” His reply was amazing. Not knowing who it was who was asking this question, he replied, “Sir, I have no man…” John 5:7 (KJV). Ther

Jewels from John # 4 - What do we Labour For?

Devotion # 4 What do we Labour For? For the Audio Version Click Here:  What Do We Labour For? “Jesus said to them, my food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.” John 4:34 (NKJV) Picture Jesus that day as he sat down near the well in Samaria; he was tired, thirsty and hungry. In spite of His physical exhaustion He took time to converse with, and convince the Samaritan Woman that He was indeed the Messiah. She in turn brought her entire village to Jesus, and eventually many believed on Him.   The disciples of Jesus, who had in the meantime gone to buy food for Jesus were confused when Jesus declined the food that was brought to him and instead said to them, “I have food to eat of which you do not know.” John 4:32(NKJV).   Jesus later reiterates in John 4:34, that His food was to do His Father’s will and to complete the work that He sent Him to do. A lot of us are caught in the rat race, wherein we push ourselves, and our children to do

Jewels From John # 3 - The One Who Perceives But Still Pardons

Devotion # 3 The One Who Perceives But Still Pardons Click here for the Audio Version:  The One Who Perceives But Still Pardons The woman of Samaria said, “Come see a man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?” John 4:29 (NKJV) Read John 4: 4-42 for the entire account. The woman of Samaria had no clue whom she would encounter on that eventful afternoon, as she came to draw water from Jacob’s well.   What seemed to be a casual request from Jesus for a drink of water, developed into a very deep dialogue where the Samaritan woman realized who Jesus was, and that He also knew all about her. Initially she must have been shocked when Jesus revealed that He was aware of the 5 husbands she had earlier, and also about the man she was living with, who was not her husband. There must have been something about the way Jesus spoke to her, that caused her not to be embarrassed, scared and withdrawn, but to feel overjoyed at the thought that she h

Jewels from John # 2 - Everything We Have - We Received

Devotion # 2  Everything We Have – We Received Click here for the Audio Version:  Everything We Have - We Received 'John (the Baptist) answered and said, “A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven.”  J ohn 3:27 (NKJV) John the Baptist is a great example of a man (apart from Jesus), who knew exactly who he was and what his life’s purpose was.  He spelled it out very clearly throughout his life.  He was just a  ‘Voice’  to introduce Jesus, the one who was  ‘preparing the way’  for Jesus to come and fulfil His mission on earth. After he baptized Jesus, and many of his own disciples started to leave him and follow Jesus, some of his own disciples, became quite uncomfortable.  They came to him with the complaint that  ‘everyone was going to Jesus’   (John.3:26)  and deserting their  ‘camp. ’ His response in  John 3:27  is stunning. He answered them 'that a man can receive nothing unless given to him from heaven'. That is why he coul

Jewels from John # 1 - Whose Approval Should We Seek?

Devotion # 1 Whose Approval Should We Seek? For the Audio Version click here:  Whose Approval Shoud We Seek? “But Jesus did not commit Himself to them, because He knew all men, and had no need that anyone should testify of man, for He knew what was in man.” John 2:24,25 When Jesus ministered here on earth, many people followed Him for various reasons – Jesus taught like no one ever did; he performed mighty miracles no eye had ever seen, He fed thousands, He exercised authority over nature and He even raised the dead. The multitudes who followed Jesus therefore, did so for various reasons – some genuinely believed, while there were others who just trailed Him with the only intent of finding fault with Him. The very same people who were filled with awe and wonder at all that Jesus did were also part of the crowd that wanted Him to be crucified. It is therefore not surprising that Jesus did not seek men’s endorsement for what He did or for who He was. The one who